Friday, November 20, 2009


I joined Sara, Adam, and Katie's creative group near the end -- this is the great clip they put together! Enjoy....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fun with Podcasts!

Last night I tried my hand at podcasting with Kim Garber and had great fun doing it. I enjoyed listening to the student perspectives on uses of technology in the classroom. They all seemed to agree that technology can be a very powerful learning tool if used correctly. They also agreed that it becomes crystal clear when teachers toss in technology randomly as space filler with no real learning agenda behind it, such as showing a random film not connected to any lessons.

It helped to hear their colorful points of view on the issue because it helps me realize what kind of teacher I'd like to be. I certainly don't want to use technology just for the sake of using it. When I use it, I think it's essential to clearly connect it to the lesson at hand and ensure that students are learning from it rather than mocking the attempt! But like with everything else, sometimes we get better at things the more we try them. I can see how several vocabulary video games might be a good place to start motivating students about grammar/vocabulary.

I enjoyed the podcast experience with Kim. The students gathered around the phone also enjoyed it too, as it was their first podcast experience also. They especially enjoyed the commentary Liz and a few others provided in the chat room. Thanks for participating!